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कम्प्युटर बेसिक कोर्स - Part 2

# Measurement Units :

0, 1 = Bit
8 Bits = 1 Byte
1024 Bytes = 1 Kilo Byte
1024 Kilo Bytes = 1 Mega Byte
1024 Mega Byte = 1 Giga Byte
1024 Giga Bytes = 1 Tera Byte

4 Bits = 1 Nibble
2 Nibble = 1 Byte

# Hardware & Software :

# Hardware :
All the equipment used in the computer are known as Hardware like Mouse, Keyboard, C.P.U., RAM, ROM, Motherboard, HDD, FDD, CD-ROM, LAN Card, MODEM, Printer etc.

Software :
Software is nothing but a simple program. Program is a set of instructions. So, software is a program developed by the programmers using the codes. It is used to perform some related pre-defined task. Now a day, various type of popular software are developed like Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Microsoft Word, Excel, Photoshop, PageMaker etc.

# System Software :
System software is an Operating System that operates the computer. Without Operating System (O/S), we can not run the computer.
It makes an environment between user, hardware and software. Today, various types of System software are available such as Unix, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, Linux, Windows Vista.

# Application Software :
Application software is one of the most important programs that perform some related pre-defined instruction like to design, calculate mathematical operation. Application program are run in the system software environment. Wordpad, Ms-Paint, Ms-Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Pagemaker, Access, Frontpage, Photoshop etc. are the examples of Application program.

# Booting the Computer :
To boot the computer means to open the computer.

We have two methods of booting the computer. Those are given below :

# Cold Boot :
When the computer is switched off condition, we start the computer by pressing on switch on/off button of the C.P.U. This type of booting the computer is known as Cold Boot.

# Warm Boot :
Sometimes, some equipment of computer could not give the response although the computer is running condition. At that time, we re-start the computer by pressing on re-set or restart button of the C.P.U. This type of booting the computer is called Warm Boot.

 # Shutting Down the computer :
To close the running computer is called Shut down the computer. After using the computer, you must use systematically methods to shutdown the computer.

1. First of all, close all the running programs.
2. Click on Start Button and click on Turn Off or Shut Down option.
3. If you click on Turn Off button, you click on again on Turn Off button. And your computer will be shut down immediately.
Or, if you click on Shut Down option, Select Shut down option again from the list and click on Ok button. After this, your computer will be shut down.

# Desktop Area :
When we open the computer, an area is displayed in the screen, that is known as the Desktop Area. All of the programs run on the top of the Desktop Area.

# Icon :
Icon is an image that represents what type of file folder we have created. All the files have different – different uniquely icons.

# File :
File is a collection of data. Data may be anything like image, text, line, curve, box, circle etc.

# File Name :
File Name is an identification of file.

# Extension Name :
Extension Name is the type of file. All the programs have its different – different extension name. It comes after the dot ( . ) symbol of file name. We can define the extension name up to 3 characters like doc, txt, rtf, xls, ppt, pmd, htm, psd, jpg, bmp etc.

Some file with extension name are given below :

Programs :                            File Name with its Extension Name :
Ms - Word                             Book.doc (txt, rtf)
Ms – Excel                             Math.xls
Ms – PowerPoint                  Presentation.ppt
Ms – Access                           Database.mdb
Photoshop                              photo.psd (jpg, bmp, tif etc.)
Sound File                             Music.mp3 (mp4, cda, wav, wma)
Video File                              Film.dat (mpg, avi etc.)

# WordPad :
WordPad program is a mini word-processing program that can create simple thesis, books, question paper etc. It can not check the spelling and grammatically errors. We use this program to know simple commands like Save, Open, New, Copy, Paste, Delete etc. which are simple but most important used in another program also.

# Starting WordPad Program :
1. Click on Start Button – Programs – Accessories.
2. Now, click on WordPad.

A window of WordPad Program will open.

# File Menu :
# Save (Ctrl + S) :
This command is used to save a new file and any changes we modified in already existing file.

1. Type some important paragraph.
2. Click on File menu and click on Save command.
3. Inside Save In box, Select the Drive (C:\, D:\, E:\) by clicking.
4. Now, Inside the File Name box, type the new file name (Book) and click on Save button.

Now, a new file is save inside the drive.

# Open (Ctrl + O) :
This command is used to open an already existing file.
1. Click on File menu and click on Open command.
2. Inside the Look In box, select the Drive (C:\, D:\, E:\) where you have saved your file.
It displays the list of files and folders.
3. Now, select the file and click on Open button.
Now, your file is opened.

# Note :
While saving a new file, we can not save two or more than two files having the same file name in same drive (location).
File name does not accept the wild Card characters like /, \, >, <, ? as a file name.

# New (Ctrl + N) :
This command is used to create a new file.

1. Click on File menu and click on New command.
2. Now, select the File Format from the list and click on Ok button.

# Copy (Ctrl + C) :
This command lets you to make the duplicate of selected text or image.
1. First of all, select the text or image, go on Edit menu and click on Copy command.

# Paste (Ctrl + V) :
This command is used to keep (place) the duplicated or cut text/image.
1. After Copying or cutting the text, place the cursor where you want to paste the text.
2. Now, click on Edit menu and click on Paste command.

# Cut (Ctrl + X) :
This command is used to move the text one place to another place. That means you can cut text from unnecessary area and after this, you can paste (keep) in necessary area.
1. Select the text first, go on Edit menu and click on Cut command.
2. After this, place the cursor where you want to paste and Paste the text.

# Delete (Del) :
This command lets you to remove the unnecessary text from the document.
1. Select the text or image you want to delete, go on Edit menu and click on Delete command.

# Undo (Ctrl + Z) :
This command is used to go on previous action. We use this command immediately if we get mistake.

1. First of all, do some mistakes (for example Cut or Delete the text).
2. Click on Edit menu and click on Undo command.

# Redo (Ctrl + Y) :
If you use more Undo command, you can use Redo command to repeat the action.

1. After using the Undo command, go on Edit menu and click on Redo command.

# Select All (Ctrl + A) :
We can use this command to select entire data (text/images) of document once at a time.

1. Click on Edit menu and click on Select All command.

# Find (Ctrl + F) :
This command is used to search the letters or words or phrases in the document area.

1. Click on Edit menu and click on Find command.
2. Now, Inside Find What box, type the finding word and click on Find Next button.
It displays the word.

# Replace (Ctrl + H) :
This command is used to change a new word or phrase instead of old word or phrase.

1. Click on Edit menu and click on Replace command.
2. Now, Inside Find What box, type the word or phrase you want to modify.
3. Inside Replace With box, type the New replacing word or phrase.
4. Click on Find Next button and click on Replace button if you want to replace the new word or phrase with one step-by-step respectively.
5. Or, click on Replace All button if you want to replace all once at a time.

After replacing, close the dialogue box.

# View Menu :
We use this menu to show or hide the Tool Bars like Tool Bar, Format Bar, Ruler Bar and Status Bar.

1. Click on View menu and click on Tool Bar or, Format Bar or Ruler Bar or Status Bar which you want to show or hide as you need.

# Options :
We use this command to show or hide the Tool Bars. We can also fit the paragraph with Ruler size or Window size. Or, we can type the paragraph only in one line if you use No wrap condition.

# Insert Menu :
# Date and Time :
This command is used to insert the date and time in the document area.
1. Place the cursor, go on Insert menu and click on Date and Time command.
2. Now, select any Date and time from the list and click on Ok button.

# Object :
This command is used to insert the objects from another program.
1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the objects.
2. Click on Insert menu and click on Object command.
3. Click on Create New radio button; select Bitmap Image option from the list and click on Ok button.
Now, it displays the drawing area. You can draw any image and click the mouse pointer outside the drawing area.

# Format Menu :
# Font :
This command lets you to set the Font, Size, Style, effects and colour etc in the selected text.
1. First of all, select the text, go on Format menu and click on Font command.
2. Now, define any Font (Arial, Arial Black, Impact, Times New Roman, Kantipur, Preeti etc.), Size, Style (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold and Italic), Effects (Strikeout and Underline) and colour as you need. And click on Ok button.

# Bullet Style :
This command is used to set the bullet (Symbol) in front of the first sentence of the selected paragraph.

1. Select the Paragraph where you want to set the Bullet style.
2. Now, click on Format menu and click on Bullet Style command.
# Paragraph :
This command is used to set the Alignment and Indentation in the selected paragraph. Alignment means to align the paragraph in center, right or left side of paragraph. Indentation means to define the gap at the right, left or first line gap in the selected paragraph.

1. Select the paragraph and click on Paragraph command of the Format menu.
2. Now, define the Left, Right and First line Indentation.
3. Define the Right, Left or center Alignment and click on Ok button.

# Tabs :
This command is used to set the Tab movement position in the paragraph using the Tab key from the keyboard. Normally, as a default value, Tab moves the cursor in Half-half inch distance to the right in the paragraph.

1. Click on Tabs command of Format menu.
2. Now, type the value (distance in inch) and click on Set button. Again type the another value and click on Set button. It is dependent how many times you want to use the Tab key.
3. After defining click on Ok button.
And you can type the text using the Tab key, which is at the left side of the Keyboard.

Part १ को लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस 
Part ३ को लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुस


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